Guerrero is the Mexican state whose coastline is home to some of the country’s most popular winter resorts, including Acapulco and Zihuatenejo.
In addition to beaches, Guerrero also has mountains and plains, where the food is quite distinct from that of the coast. Guerrero has seven different regions where the mountains create boundaries between the various microclimates. Guerrero’s gastronomy is varied and rich in culinary resources, including fish and shellfish from the Pacific coast and rivers, wild game of the mountains, and tropical fruits found throughout the state.
When we grew up, we use to spend our vacations in Acapulco and we still remember the delicious food we would enjoy at restaurants by the beach. Acapulco is famous for ceviche, river shrimp with garlic and chile sauce, and pescado a la talla, grilled fish that has been bathed in a chile-based sauce before being put on the coals. We were inspired by this dish, pescado a la talla, when we created our Acapulco sauce.