Servings: 8 / Prep time: 25 mins / Cook time: 15 mins

Enchiladas Potosinas


For the shells:

  • 2 cups corn flour (masa harina)
  • 1-¼ cups of warm water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 pieces of round plastic cut out from a bag. (freezer bags are ideal for this purpose).
  • 4 tbsp Mölli Acapulco marinade
  • Cooking oil for pan frying

For the filling:

  • 1/2 large tomato, quartered
  • 4 tomatillos, halved
  • 2 serrano chiles
  • 1/4 onion, chopped
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 3.5 oz Mozzarella cheese, shredded
  • 3.5 oz Queso fresco, crumbled


  1. Use a wooden bowl to combine the masa harina and water. Mix well until the water is absorbed evenly and the dough forms a ball. Place the masa in a bowl, add the Acapulco marinade and the salt and knead until all the ingredients are thoroughly combined. Cover with a damp cloth and let rest for 20 minutes. NOTE: We are looking for a soft dough consistency; it should not stick to your hands. If it does, add a little more of masa harina. If it looks dry, breakable or crumbly, add more water. Cover with a moist towel to prevent the dough from drying.
  2. Preheat a griddle or heavy skillet over medium heat. This has to be ready when you start pressing the tortillas.
  3. Meanwhile, Put tomato, tomatillos, chiles and the onion in a blender and puree until smooth. Pour sauce in a bowl, add grated cheese and mix until fully integrated.
  4. Using a tortilla press or a heavy dish, (pie dish as we do), place a ball of the dough about the size of a golf ball between the two plastic pieces and press to form a 6 inch round tortilla.
  5. Lift the plastic with the pressed tortilla, place the dough in your hand closer to your fingers and carefully peel the plastic off the dough. If the dough doesn’t come out so easily then the dough could be a little too wet. Add some more masa harina to the dough mix again until it becomes easy to handle.
  6. Place the tortilla on the griddle and cook for 45 seconds. The edge will begin to dry out. Spread the cheese mixture in the middle of the uncooked side of the tortilla, leaving a narrow margin. Fold the circles in half and press the edges to seal.Turn over and continue to cook for 1 minute until masa looks uniformly cooked.
  7. Heat 1/2 inch (1 cm) oil in a skillet, add the enchiladas 2 or 3 at a time and fry for 3 or 4 minutes on each side. Drain and place over paper towels. Serve enchiladas potosinas with diced onions and sour cream on the side for garnish. Provecho!